  • Is Danny Goodwin Working 2 jobs?

    This Meme was created from the original photo on Danny Goodwin's Facebook account. Former Google Engineer Matt Cutts can be seen with a huge smile and an obnoxiously funny thumbs up pose! Also in the picture is the talented author Danny Goodwin. in addition to writing great blogs, this Plantation Florida resident is also the Chief Editor for Search Engine Journal! SEJ is one of the most powerful and influential authorities when it comes to SEO.

    Is Danny Goodwin Working 2 Jobs?

Is Danny Goodwin Working Two Jobs

Search Engine Journal's Chief Editor Danny Goodwin Possibly has either a doppleganger, or is actually really talented at stand up comedy! America would definitely like to know!

Because I would like to know, Is Danny Goodwin Working 2 Jobs? As a result of my link building strategy, I was looking for guest article submissions. 

So during my journeys lurking about an untold amount of SEO alleyways, I found myself on Search Engine Journal's website. I quickly identified who the editor was. Naturally, everyone knows the purpose of web forms is so virtual trashcans can fill up with pixels.(a joke that isn't that funny lol.)

Webforms in general rarely succeed in engaging your targets, so SEO consultants  don't typically waste time using them to submit correspondence! Furthermore, the only web forms that get engagement are usually ones that the inquirer is most likely a lead or customer.

So, of course, It came as to no surprise when I failed in getting a response from the web forms and emails I dropped Danny Goodwin's inbox. 

I don't hold it against him or any other editors, because I can relate to how hectic my inbox is just being a web developer and SEO consultant.

 I'm sure his is not even manageable with all the fan mail and inquiries he receives lol! 

None the less I've had little luck so far gaining audience amongst several of the world's greats in the SEO field. I attempted a suggestion from the talented Brian Dean, AKA Baclinko's blog.

Brian's blog suggests obtaining email accounts with a program called Hunter IO. After failing time and time again. I decided enough was enough and that it was time to innovate a creative new angle to attempt my approach.! 

With my recent field studies on advanced image SEO, The idea dawned on me to implement my ranking skills in efforts to gain the audience of the talented Mr. Goodwin. My initial approach could be best described as mapping out the entire employee network of Search Engine Journal, looking for a way in, or a person to network with.

Upon entering a query on Youtube, I found myself asking much more than simply Is Danny Goodwin Working 2 Jobs! Because naturally the first thing I did is laugh hysterically for several minutes while watching a "Danny Goodwin" stand up comedy performance.! 

I mean sure, because I'm wearing glasses, and have my face less than 2 feet away from a computer screen, I should be able to tell right?  However, I am still very much blind and unable to confirm if this talented performer is indeed the SEJ chief editor as well!

Laughing to the performance of an SEO legend, or a doppleganger?

Attempting to deturmine whether or not the performance was SEO expert Danny Goodwin Working gigs, or a second person I'm still on the fence. Because there are a couple variances like the slight shade of grey in the beard, I'm not seeing on the comedian.

None the less, the whole rolling on ecstasy skit had me straight up rolling on the floor laughing! (Not on ecstasy!)  So if it is the editorial chief from Search Engine Journal doing an outstanding stand-up performance, I personally believe he should pursue it!

Because the article is about Advanced image SEO, and Danny is quite the challenge to get ahold of, I figured I had nothing to lose in this Hail Mary attempt of sorts!

Advanced Image SEO

As a result of the last few years learning and mastering SEO's implementation, I finally decided to really hit it hard with youtube videos and articles.

What people probably don't realize is it is actually substantially easier to rank in Image search results. Furthermore if done properly you can rank in almost anything!

So regardless of the the initial question  Is Danny Goodwin Working 2 Jobs, it never was my main focal point because whoever it is, they were hilarious! 

Extensive Detailed List of Metrics

Not only will my article give readers one of the most extensive checklists for SEO image metrics, it provides  several examples of how to properly implement them for best practices.

Field Study with Unique Never Before seen Data!

I conducted this field study Because I wanted to know, what social platforms were the best in terms of quick indexing and ranking images at the top of results. The data in my field study was obtained from a neutral source not directly from a platform.

2 Simply Beautiful Infographics

My image checklist infographic is literally the Mona Lisa! 4 hours of GIMP photo editing later emerged one of my better eye candy infographics! The second infographic is an array of the data collected during my field studies.!

My latest advanced image SEO article covers the execution of ranking all the known metrics!

Furthermore, I'm hoping ranking this picture in Google will gain audience from Mr. Goodwin!

  •  2 infographics, 
  • 1200 words, optimized with yoast. 
  • 100% original article that has never been published. So far only a handful of editors have seen it. It is secured on my Google cloud as a non downloadable image file. I have all the original images in png format as Search Engine Journa'ls site prefers. The content is written in 1-2 sentence paragraphs. The article is also in a word document format should it be accepted for final editing.

Here's one of my more recent articles on Black Hat SEO to give you a feel for my writing style and fields of expertise. If you accept my most humble of request's Mr. Goodwin I can be contacted by either:

email official@seangugerty.press or text (213) 632-9138 ðŸ˜‡